smiling couple embracing

It’s not your fault — menopause did it!

Menopause can feel like a rollercoaster you didn’t exactly sign up for, especially when it starts affecting your intimacy. If you’ve noticed that sex has become painful, or your interest in it has dwindled, you’re not alone. But here’s the thing: even though these changes are common, you don’t have to settle for them as your new normal. Let’s find out why these changes happen and, more importantly, what you can do to take back control and enjoy sex again.

When estrogen levels drop during menopause, that’s when a lot of issues start. This can lead to something called Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause (GSM), which is just a fancy way of saying that menopause can cause vaginal dryness, discomfort during sex, and even bladder problems like needing to go more often or urgently. Your body is changing, and it’s okay. You just need to know how to deal with it.

Why Am I Losing Interest in Sex?

Between hot flashes, mood swings, and sleepless nights, can you blame your sex drive for taking a backseat? This is normal. Both men and women often lose some interest in sex as they get older, but it’s different for everyone. Sexual desire can be impacted by lots of things – how you’re feeling emotionally, what’s going on in your relationships, and how stressed or busy you are.

If your interest in sex is fading, it might be time to talk to your doctor. They can help you figure out what’s going on and suggest ways to get your sexy back. And if pain is what’s causing the problem, keep reading.

Why Is Sex Painful Now?

Your vaginal tissue relies on estrogen to stay healthy, stretchy, and lubricated. When estrogen levels drop during menopause, these tissues can become less flexible, less lubricated, and more sensitive. Blood flow to your genital area also slows down and that means it can be harder to get turned on or orgasm. Combine all this together, and it can lead to discomfort or even pain during sex.

It’s not just about the dryness. There are some conditions like vaginismus that can play a part in the problem. Vaginismus is when the vaginal muscles tighten on their own, which can make penetration painful. When the body anticipates painful penetration because of dryness, the muscles can tense up which creates a cycle of worsening dryness, muscle tensing, and pain. The less often you have sex, the less blood flow and stretching your vaginal walls experience, which can make sex even more painful.

This all sounds bad, but there’s good news. This doesn’t have to be your new normal.

How Can I Stop Hurting?

  1. Don’t Ignore the Pain
    Talk to your doctor about what you’re experiencing—they’re there to help you find solutions that work for you.
  2. Take Your Time
    With lower estrogen levels, your body might take time to get turned on and lubricated. Give yourself that extra time. Foreplay isn’t meant to be rushed, allow yourself to fully enjoy the experience with your partner.
  3. Use Lubricant
    A high-quality lubricant can make the world of difference by reducing friction and pain. If you’re not sure which product to use, talk to your doctor. Chances are you and your partner will both benefit from a good lubricant.
  4. Consider Hormone Therapy
    Local vaginal estrogen or other hormone-like medications may be effective in addressing GSM. Talk to your doctor and find out what’s right for you.
  5. Try Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy
    Sometimes, pain during sex is linked to muscles in the pelvic area, including conditions like vaginismus. Working with a physical therapist who specializes in pelvic floor health can help manage and relieve these issues by teaching you techniques to relax and strengthen your pelvic muscles.

Alongside pelvic therapy, using a vaginal dilator like Milli can help relieve the symptoms of vaginismus. Dilators gently stretch and relax the vaginal muscles, making it easier to progress in your therapy and build comfort over time. Milli’s gradual expansion feature lets you go at your own pace. Together, PT and dilator use can make a difference, helping you reclaim your comfort and confidence in your intimate moments.

Take the Next Step with Milli

The best part? You don’t need a prescription to start using Milli. It’s designed to be accessible and easy to use, so you can start taking control of your comfort and confidence today.

Learn More about Milli and start your journey today.
